What are endocrine disruptors and why should you care?

Endocrine disruptors and hormones

As a health coach who helps women balance their hormones naturally, I think it is important that we are educated about endocrine disruptors and how they can affects our bodies and our hormones.

What are endocrine disruptors?

Endocrine disruptors are chemicals found in everyday products that can interfere with the bodies normal functioning of the endocrine system. They can also mimic the effects of certain hormones. These disruptors can be found in a variety of sources, including certain chemicals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, plastics, and personal care products.

Our endocrine system is responsible for regulating various bodily functions through the production and release of hormones.

What are examples of common endocrine disruptors?

  1. Bisphenol A (BPA): Found in plastic bottles, food can linings, and thermal paper receipts, toys, microwavable food products, plastic tupperware.

  2. Phthalates: Used in plastics, cosmetics, and personal care products. (detergents, diapers, nail polish, shampoo, conditioner)

  3. Dioxins: Produced as byproducts of industrial processes and combustion. (air during steel and iron production, air during combustion of coal, oil, or wood)

  4. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs): Used in electrical equipment and industrial applications (now banned in many countries).

  5. Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs): Found in non-stick cookware, waterproof fabrics, and some food packaging. (microwavable popcorn, firefighting foams)

  6. Fragrance: Air fresheners, cleaning products, hand sanitizers, soaps, personal care products.

  7. Organophosphate pesticides: Commonly used in agriculture. (Choose organic if possible!)

Endocrine disruptors can enter the body through the skin (beauty products, deodorants, lotions, topicals), orally (contaminated food and water), through inhalation (pollution, smoke, water vapor, perfumes, candles)

Exposure to endocrine disruptors has been associated with various health effects, including reproductive disorders, developmental abnormalities, impaired immune function, hormonal imbalances, and an increased risk of certain cancers. Fetuses, infants, and children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of endocrine disruptors due to their developing endocrine systems.

Endocrine disruptors

Tips for reducing exposure to endocrine disruptors

  • Avoid scented products with added fragrance! Make sure to read your labels.

  • Choose organic when possible & wash produce.

  • Choose non toxic personal care products

  • Choose glass containers over plastic

  • Avoid drinking out of plastic water bottles

  • Avoid heating up food in plastic containers

  • Replace your non stick pans if they become damaged

  • Open up the windows in your house everyday!

Some of my favorite swaps & products

These glass containers are a must for food storage. Ditch the plastics and get glass!

Say goodbye to water bottles and use a refillable water bottle like this one.

As far as cleaning products, I love branch basics. No toxins! Use this link to get $10 off your order.

I am a big fan of primally pure products. They have personal care products such as deodorants, facial oils, body oils, and more. Be sure to check them out!

I also am a big fan of the brand Earthly. They have a wide variety of clean non toxic products such as body lotions, deodorants, salves, sunscreen, and a lot of great products for babies!

Switching out your personal care products and household products wont happen over night. It will take time and happen slowly overtime. As one product runs out purchase a new non toxic product to try out!

What products can you switch out today!?