How to workout as a new mom

5 HIIT Nap Time Workout Routines for mommy’s

5 HIIT workouts to do during baby's nap!

Before baby I would spend hours in the gym, sometimes multiple times a day. Working out has always been a hobby of mine. It is a great way for me to de-stress and a way for me to get creative by making up new exercise routines and trying out new exercises. Since baby has arrived  “free time” has been hard to find these days. When we workout we look good, we feel good, and we sleep better!

I have been creating “nap time workouts”. These are quick high intensity interval training workouts that are about 15 minutes and you can do them during your baby’s nap time. Sometimes if Maverick doesn’t want to nap I go out in my garage, and I put him in his baby einstein jumper. We love this jumper because his attention span tends to last throughout my workout when he is inside this toy. It is bright, colorful, he can bounce in it, spin 360 degrees, and play with different toys. I highly recommend getting an activity center for baby to buy you some hand-free time!

Sooo here is how the workouts will go. I combined 3 exercises.

  • 1st is a cardio exercise

  • 2nd is a strength exercise

  • 3rd is a core exercise

First I do each exercise for 60 seconds, then I rest 1 minute. Then I drop down to 45 seconds, rest 1 minute. Then each exercise for 30 seconds, rest 1 minute. Then lastly 15 seconds.

The workout is quick, it should last 10-15 minutes and your heart rate should stay elevated throughout the entire workout. HIIT workouts are my favorite because I feel like I can burn the most calories in the quickest amount of time, that is why they are perfect for moms! Of course if you recently had a baby check with your doctor to make sure you are cleared to workout. Listen to your body, and start out slow if you are new to this!

DB= dumb bells

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HIIT workout. 3 exercises consisting of cardio, strength, & abs.
HIIT workout. 3 exercises consisting of cardio, strength, & abs.
HIIT workout. 3 exercises consisting of cardio, strength, & abs.
HIIT workout. 3 exercises consisting of cardio, strength, & abs.